
We use modern design to connect people to their work, their lives, their world. Since 1938, we have been recognized internationally for creating workplace and residential furnishings that inspire, evolve, and endure.
Today, our commitment to modern design, our understanding of the nature of work, and our dedication to sustainable design have yielded a unique portfolio of thoughtful products that respond and adapt to changing workplace and residential needs.

Knoll website…

2021 Catalog
Art direction and design: GraphX
Ph Federico Cedrone
Styling: vandersande studio
Colour separation: altra luce
© Mmairo S.r.l. - Viale XX Settembre 177 F2, 54033 Avenza Carrara (MS) - Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA 01347640458 - ESG (en) (it) - Privacy (en) (it) - Cookies (en) (it)