Nova Table L
Jacopo Simonetti
Nova tables, available in the Small and Large size, will enchant the eye with their bold and beautiful stripes in Bianco Michelangelo and Nero Marquinia marble (also available in other combinations). Their simplicity and versatility are always welcome in an interior.
Look at the top of Nova table. It is a solid representation of an expansionexplosion from the tiny center of the sphere, coloured xpanding cloves (here black and white, but not limited to).
How can a marble sphere give the representation of this complex wave-empty space? The inside of the top of Nova table is almost empty from the wave-skin to the nucleus! You cannot see, but you can hear it knocking with your hand the half sphere skin. A drum sound that changes with position and volume form and dimension.
Each kind of table has its sound, each table has its own form and its ignition point and expansion low along the main 3dimensional axis. Actual Novas are similar but never identical!
Stay close to a Nova table, imagine the brute force of nature and drink relaxed your preferred drink! No risk this time, in spite of Einstein formula E=mc2.
The hypnotic black and white stripes of the new Nova collection, designed by Jacopo Simonetti, offer a versatile way to add personality to your interior, a classic that never gets old, and that will bring you to a fascinated universe.
Nova collection puts on stage a new technique with which to create complex forms that finely and lightly mix different coloured marbles cloves of significant depth.
This allows the creation of fine objects with intermixed color cloves and the effect given by a solid work, at a third of the apparent weight.
Designer imagination acquires a new dimension inside which to move "lightly".
It is not by chance that Jacopo, invented and used first this technique.
Born at the feet of the marble white Apuan Alps, young designer and master of marble working technique, with a degree from "Accademia delle Belle Arti” in Carrara, he is the third generation specimen of a family dealing with marble processing in all its way, not limited to: manual, machining, sawing, engraving, sculpturing. May be DNA donation.
Nova, is like a solid representation of an expansion-explosion, as we see in some of NASA pictures taken from deep space of stars arrived at a end of one of their life cycles, NOVA isometric explosions, one of the more terrific and magnificent event of pure energy display in our Universe.
Jacopo Simonetti, enchanted by the natural forces and beautifulness, was willing to use marble to represent the strength of this almost incredible display of force, a wave of particles energised, moving almost at light speed, leaving back a swept space and a very tiny still alive stellar nucleus.
All the objects of Nova family (tables, bowls, candle holder and vase) bring with them the primeval brute and magnificent force of stellar collapse and energy creation.
Technical Information
  Bianco Michelangelo
  nero Marquinia

Ø 80 x 47 cm
Ø 31.5 x 18.5 in

Made in Italy, hand finished.
Useful Information
MMAIRO marble products are made of valuable materials and need to be handled with care. Any difference between similar objects and from their picture on the catalogue are due to the nature of the marble, and costitute an additional value of each piece, making it truly unique and special. The contact with acid or corrosive substances may adversely affect the surface. Hand washing is recommended. Special stain treatment, where necessary food compatible.
Jacopo Simonetti

Since he was born at the foot of Apuan Alps he was surrounded by white marbles, dusted craftsmen and used to hear the music of machines working that pure material. He gained craftsman experience in the workshops of his Pietrasanta, renowned center for marble working and sculpture. He furthered his studies at the Carrara Academy of Fine Arts, where he learned also to pair this exquisite material with modern design. Jacopo Simonetti is a young talented designer that, in spite of its age, masters the matching of ideas, marbles and technology. His work stands out for the creation of products that combine classical simplicity and beauty with the dynamic and functional nature of modern design.


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